
Posts Tagged ‘Maryland’

This weekend some knitting buddies and I are going to the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival. It should be fun, especially because the Ravelry team will be there! How exciting! If they only knew how much time I waste umm, spend on Ravelry, they would be appalled, or happy, I’m not sure which. Anyway, that’s my plan.

I have my secret Knitty project stuffed in my duffle bag to work on in the car, and some cotton-ease for another test knit of the new “Un-Sadie” dress. You can see it hanging on the wooden divider thing at our craft sale booth. It’s the one with the stipes at the bottom and a crochet flower on the bodice. Those two are my next patterns. Then the dreaded Om symbol. Damn, that thing is confusing the heck out of me. How was I able to knit it TWICE before, and now can’t figure out my own damn chart notes?? Well, my other secret invention (thanks for your help mom) is sort of helping with the chart. Am I cryptic enough for ya? Can’t give that away, either, since it’s still a prototype. A somewhat functioning prototype…

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